Printer tidak mau narik kertas
Printer tidak mau narik kertas, banyak sekali printer yang mengalami error seperti ini. Banyak sebab mengapa hal ini bisa terjadi. Bisa karena kelalian dari pengguna printer atau bisa juga memang dari printernya yang bermasalah. Tips berikut mencoba mengungkap beberapa sebab yang memungkinkan hal itu terjadi.
Mengatasi tinta tidak keluar pada printer
Tinta tidak keluar merupakan masalah utama yang sering dikeluhkan oleh pengguna printer. Jika anda datang ke service center, maka recomendasi adalah mengganti head/cartridge dengan yang Original (jika itu memang cartridge nya).
Ada beberapa hal yang perlu di perhatikan jika kita menemukan kejadian seperti ini.
Pertama, silahkan di cek dahulu kondisi head / cartridge. Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah kondisi secara fisik, terbakar, cacat atau tidak. Silahkan cek dengan teliti, karena ada beberapa cacat yang mungkin tidak terlihat jika tidak kita perhatikan dengan seksama. Jika memang ada cacat, bisa dipastikan (60%). mainboardnya juga bermasalah. Hal ini karena terjadi konsleting pada sirkuit di headnya sehingga mempengaruhi mainboard.
Jika tidak terdapat cacat maka masuk langkah kedua.
24 Desember 2009 | Posted by omyn 0 comments
Labels: Maintenance, Perawatan Printer, Tips Canon Printer
Ink did not come out on your cartridge
This is trouble usually come when you refill regulary. That because the liquid of the refill ink is different with the original ink. That the most trouble.
But, a few days ago, i found this trouble and cartridge head was not the main problem. I found the gap of the printer was broken. There is a small hole on the rubber gap. If you contact the service center, you will be advised to change the Purge Unit and guess what the price? Of course is too expensive. The other way you can find the gap on the same printer that you can not use anymore and replace the gap from there. I did, and of course it's work.
Note : Head gap is a small rubber where the caritridge park. Usually on right on the printer.
Lasershot LBP 3500, the profesional A3 printer
Professional A3 Size Printout
Professional laser quality printout up to A3 size
Superb print resolution of up to 2400 x 600 dpi equivalent with Automatic Image Refinement
High-speed printing without costly Ram Upgrade
Deliver outstanding print at speed of 25 A4 pages per minute and 15 A3 pages per minute
First Printout in 10 seconds or less.
Professional laser quality printout up to A3 size
Superb print resolution of up to 2400 x 600 dpi equivalent with Automatic Image Refinement
High-speed printing without costly Ram Upgrade
Deliver outstanding print at speed of 25 A4 pages per minute and 15 A3 pages per minute
First Printout in 10 seconds or less.
Lasershot LBP 3050, new cmpact size with excellent perfomance
Excellent Print Performance
Print speed at 14ppm (A4 size)
2400 x 600dpi (with Automatic Image Refinement technology)
First print-out in 8.5 seconds
Quick warm-up time from standby mode
Finest Laser Printing Technology
CAPT 3.0, speeds up print jobs
Hi-SCoA, compresses print job data into manageable sizes, eliminates the need for future RAM upgrades
Print speed at 14ppm (A4 size)
2400 x 600dpi (with Automatic Image Refinement technology)
First print-out in 8.5 seconds
Quick warm-up time from standby mode
Finest Laser Printing Technology
CAPT 3.0, speeds up print jobs
Hi-SCoA, compresses print job data into manageable sizes, eliminates the need for future RAM upgrades
Lasershot LBP 2900, smaller, lighter and better than ever
New Print Technologies For Faster Printouts
With print speeds of up to 12ppm monochrome, the LBP2900 offers fast printouts at an affordable price.
Two groundbreaking Canon technologies: CAPT 2.1 and Hi-SCoA redesign the printing process for improved performance.
CAPT 2.1, or Canon Advanced Printing Technology, harnesses the power of the PC to speed up print jobs, instead of loading up the printer with expensive memory upgrades.
Hi-SCoA, or High Smart Compression Architecture, compresses print job data into manageable size for quick transfer of data from computer to printer.
The first in its class to feature USB 2.0 Hi-Speed interface for further speeding up file transfers.
With print speeds of up to 12ppm monochrome, the LBP2900 offers fast printouts at an affordable price.
Two groundbreaking Canon technologies: CAPT 2.1 and Hi-SCoA redesign the printing process for improved performance.
CAPT 2.1, or Canon Advanced Printing Technology, harnesses the power of the PC to speed up print jobs, instead of loading up the printer with expensive memory upgrades.
Hi-SCoA, or High Smart Compression Architecture, compresses print job data into manageable size for quick transfer of data from computer to printer.
The first in its class to feature USB 2.0 Hi-Speed interface for further speeding up file transfers.
Canon Pixma MX868, the complete office solution
Print, Scan, Copy, Fax, Networkable, Wireless, Card Direct
New ISO/IEC 24734 standard for print speed
ISO Standard speed (ESAT): approx. 8.4ipm mono / approx. 5.6ipm colour
1pl (min) ink droplets and 9600 x 2400 dpi (max) resolution
Five-colour individual ink tank system
4 x 6” (4R) borderless photo in approx. 41 sec
Capable of printing borderless photos up to A4 size
ChromaLife 100+ technology – photos can last up to 300 years
Hybrid system - pigment black ink ensures sharp black text and lines even when printed over an image
New ISO/IEC 24734 standard for print speed
ISO Standard speed (ESAT): approx. 8.4ipm mono / approx. 5.6ipm colour
1pl (min) ink droplets and 9600 x 2400 dpi (max) resolution
Five-colour individual ink tank system
4 x 6” (4R) borderless photo in approx. 41 sec
Capable of printing borderless photos up to A4 size
ChromaLife 100+ technology – photos can last up to 300 years
Hybrid system - pigment black ink ensures sharp black text and lines even when printed over an image
The newest issue about canon resseter software
Some time ago, I got the information from the central service center software resetter canon printer. Which software is used to reset, in so not one with a computer that will be used to reset.
This is good news for the service center, but it may also be bad news for a small service. Because then, the software will be difficult to circulate on the Internet or in the market. But man, would have to outsmart it. Let's see what kind of software.
This is good news for the service center, but it may also be bad news for a small service. Because then, the software will be difficult to circulate on the Internet or in the market. But man, would have to outsmart it. Let's see what kind of software.

MX338 Complete spesification
New ISO/IEC 24734 standard for print speed
ISO Standard print speed (ESAT): approx. 7.5ipm mono / approx. 4.5ipm colour
2pl (min) ink droplets and 4800 x 1200 dpi (max) resolution
4 x 6” (4R) borderless photo in approx. 45 sec
Capable of printing borderless photos up to A4 size
ChromaLife 100+ technology – photos can last up to 300 years
Hybrid system – the use of pigment black ink and colour dye inks ensure sharp black text and lines even when printed over an image
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